Our real home is God, our natural environment is the that it should be as natural for us as water for the fish and air for the bird, theophanic: the sacred could erupt anywhere at any time, every bush potentially a burning bush.
—Dr Desmond Tutu
Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town
Words for Silence
In keeping with monastic tradition, we seek to live responsibly in our present surroundings, fulfilling our duties as stewards of God's creation by establishing a respectful, mutually beneficial relationship with our land and its resources.
Our stewardship involves caring for our land with minimal dependence on fossil fuel, developing natural water management and conservation, and preserving and managing the small wilderness of our woodlands. An organic vegetable garden helps meet the needs of the monastery.
We are currently hosting bees for Northwoods Pure Honey, and our fields are mowed for hay by a local organic beef farmer.