About us


It is the peculiar office of the monk in the modern world to keep alive the contemplative experience and to keep the way open for modern technological man to recover the integrity of his own inner depths.

—Thomas Merton
The Monastic Journey


The Order of Julian of Norwich is a contemplative monastic order of the Episcopal Church, committed to intercession and conversion of life in the spirit of the teaching of Saint Julian of Norwich.

The nuns of the Order live the monastic life together under Benedictine vows of stability, conversion of life, and obedience, while Oblates and Associates of the Order are dispersed throughout the world, observing the vows in ways suited to their particular vocations and life situations.

The monastic life is the Christian life, the life of the Gospel lived in intentional community, with certain structures and customs to facilitate the lifelong work of conversion in Christ. The practices of detachment, simplicity, silence, respect, together with the vows, provide the framework for our transformation in Christ. Our monastic Rule is based in Benedictine practice and is balanced between liturgical and private prayer, study, and manual labor.

To live the contemplative life is to occupy the prophetic hidden ground that offers space for God to work, in the way God chooses. Julian embodied this difficult work by holding in tension the seemingly irreconcilable aspects of human frailty and human goodness, making space in herself for the trust and vulnerability necessary to keep the heart open to God’s presence and mercy.

The nuns of the order are clergy and lay Episcopalians of the Episcopal Church USA, in communion with the See of Canterbury. Our Associates and Oblates are clergy and lay members of several Churches and denominations, all united in Christ.