Work & Study


In a monastic setting, the community takes responsibility for providing sustenance to each member, and the community assigns tasks to each member...For St Benedict, doing work that is useful to others is part and parcel of serving each other in love.

—Abbot Andrew Marr  OSB
Tools for Peace


In the monastic tradition, prayer, work, and study are partners in our search for and service of God.

We also depend on the work of our hands for a measure of our material support. The artisans of our community are responsible for the production of various wares which are sold through our Shop.

Ongoing formation and lifelong study, on a wide variety of subjects—monastic, social, historical, scientific, and other—is part of the working out of our conversion of life. Most of our study is done in the monastery. As opportunity arises, we attend the Monastic Institute in Collegeville as well as taking courses on monastic studies.

All of our work and study is meant to aid our growth into a way of being that makes prayer of all activities, to transform every least task into one of love for Christ.