Tools for Peace: St Benedict & Rene Girard

Andrew Marr OSB    

A fascinating commentary on the Rule of Benedict in the light of mimetic theory, combining the insights of St Benedict and Rene Girard on how to understand and overcome violence in ourselves and the world.  After comprehensive introductions to both the Rule of Benedict and the anthropology of Rene Girard, Marr draws from contemporary writers Joan Chittister, Esther de Waal, Michael Casey, James Alison, and many others in this demanding and fruitful study that offers tools for peace for students of peace. It will be valued especially by those living by the Rule of Benedict or seriously studying the RB, and those interested in mimetic theory. The book includes a glossary of terms from monasticism and mimetic theory and an extensive bibliography. 

'Monasteries have almost always offered an alternative way of life to the violence that often afflicts society. Benedictine peace is not achieved by renouncing machine guns....The peace that Benedict would have us strive for is much more positive. Real peace involves actively making connections between people and learning the art of giving priority to the needs of other people....In many ways, a sixth-century monastic figure and a twentieth-century thinker are worlds apart from each other. Even so, what Benedict and Girard have in common is an anthropological approach to life. Both focus their attention on concrete human behavior in its social dimensions. In this book, I will rummage arround in their ideas to see what we can find to forge a spirituality of peace rooted in the Gospel.' from the book

paperback      pp 240


6x9 $15.00
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